cover of the book: Managing the Unmanageable The Book: Managing the Unmanageable

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pointer to Ron's & Mickey's video training Video Training: Managing Software People and Teams

Now in English and Chinese!

Managing the Unmanageable:

Rules, Tools, and Insights for
Managing Software People and Teams

by Mickey W. Mantle and Ron Lichty

Addison Wesley, publishers
Paperback: 450 pages
order from Amazon
The authors: Mickey W. Mantle and Ron Lichty

Excerpts, Interviews, Talks, Articles, Reviews, Blog Posts, Slidesets

Most of what we do is consulting - helping teams and their managers and executives transform chaos to clarity and make product development "hum." As part of our consulting practices, Ron teaches teams to be agile, and we both teach managers to manage software people and teams, as well as taking on interim and advisory VP Engineering roles to transform chaos to clarity.

Much of what we do, together, is writing - from our book (Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams, now in its second edition), to a plethora of articles, to video training, LiveLessons: Managing Software People and Teams. Ron also coauthors the periodic Study of Product Team Performance and blogs regularly.

When our publisher, Addison Wesley, was solicited for technical management video training by O'Reilly's Safari library, we entirely re-thought and re-worked our book for video delivery, then spent a week in Pearson’s recording studio, followed by round after round of video editing, to emerge with ten hours, ten topics, 84 learning lessons to our LiveLessons: Managing Software People and Teams,

We also regularly present talks and one-, two-, and three-day workshops around the world, some of which are public. This page leads off with those that are upcoming. Some of the talks - and some of the interviews we've done - have been captured on video or audio. So if watching or listening is a medium you enjoy, check out the video and audio recordings of interviews we've done and the videos of talks we've given. We sometimes repeat talks, so you may find several video versions of some talks to choose from. We've also put links to most of the slidesets themselves.

Public Classes

Excerpts from the Book

         cover of the book: Managing the Unmanageable
          logo: IT Knowledge Exchange

Excerpts from the Video Training

Interviews: Video

      Ron in a live Fireside Chat, Fri, Oct. 12, 2020, with Telepat North Co-founder & CEO Sebastian Vaduva on the topic of managing the unmanageable, and our book Managing the Unmanageable

Interviews: Audio Podcasts

      banner: Agile Thoughts podcast with Ron Lichty
Ron Lichty: Unknotting software
(parts one, two and three)
     logo: Software Engineering Radio podcast show
  logo: Software Engineering Radio podcast show
  logo: Software Engineering Daily podcast show

Interviews: Print

  logo: Software Engineering Daily podcast show

Talks: Video

  Ron presented to the Job Hackers Agile Meetup on Tues, Jan. 31, 2023: Effective Estimating
  Ron and Tom Evans presented to the Silicon Valley Product Management Association on Tues, May 10, 2022: How Teams and Leaders Can Unleash the Power of Agile
  with Q&A, 58 minutes: Mickey discusses the challenges of managing remote software development: Code Camp's inaugural Code Campfire, Oct. 2, 2021
  with Q&A, 1:05: Ron discusses the challenges of stepping into engineering management: Code Camp's inaugural Code Campfire, Oct. 2, 2021
  55 minutes: Mickey and Ron join Krishna Kumar and Mike Watson to discuss measuring and maximizing software development productivity: Excellarate's ZipChat series (now Encora), June 17, 2021
  19 minutes: Crash Course: Managing Software People and Teams: Ron: the UK Build-IT-Right conference, Nov. 12, 2020
  19 minutes: Pre-Onboarding Retention, or Don't Lose Your New Hire!: Ron: The CTO Summit Series on Attracting Top Talent, Oct. 28, 2020
   19 minutes: Dream Teams: Making Your Dream (Team) Come True: Ron: Seattle's CTO Summit Oct. 29, 2019
   1:12: Critical Agile Practices, Nuanced Techniques: Ron: Silicon Valley Code Camp, Sunday, Oct. 20, 2019
  1:03: What's It Take to Be a (Good!) Manager?: Ron: Silicon Valley Code Camp, Sat, Oct. 19, 2019
  1:15: Ron moderates a panel of senior software engineering managers: Silicon Valley Code Camp, Sat, Oct. 19, 2019
   19 minutes: Critical Practices, Nuanced Techniques: Ron: SF's CTO Summit Tues, May 21, 2019
     22 minutes: Managing in an Agile World: by Ron: San Francisco Engineering Leadership Community Summit: Jan. 24, 2019
     59 minutes: Synerzip (now Encora) webinar: Organizing & Scaling Agile Teams: by Ron on Wed, Jan. 16, 2019 (also see Slidesets, below, for the slides)
  Talk: Product Owners: How to Get Your Development Team to Love You, by Ron, at ProductTank/SF, on Thurs, Nov. 12, 2015 (also see Slidesets, below, for the slides)


      logo: Fast Company magazine
  logo: Fast Company magazine


       logo: bcs, The Chartered Institute for IT (UK)
       logo: Midwest IT Survival
     logo: DZone
    logo: SOA World

Wanderful Living Books interviews by Mickey Mantle

Blog Posts

       sizing a project backlog of 120 stories
          Table: what do practitioners think is the method that will make their product more profitable? (--2013 Study of Product Team Performance)
         white paper: 2013 Study of Product Team Performance
  photo: two programmers pairing locally
         white paper: 2012 Study of Product Team Performance
    photo: Almost all the training for managing programmers that exists: 6 of only 8 books on the topic


    drawing of the tree swing that the customer wanted

A few photos of us presenting

Co-author Mickey Mantle Moscow keynote, "Keys to Crafting a Highly Effective Programming Culture", at the largest developer conference in Russia, Oct. 2014.

Co-author Ron Lichty presenting "12 Take-Aways: Managing the Unmanageable" at Silicon Valley Code Camp, Oct. 2013.

Co-author Ron Lichty on a panel on modern management at Bay Area Organizational Development Network, Sept. 2014.

Co-author Mickey Mantle presenting programmer generation differences, keynote, Moscow, the Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference, Oct. 2014.

Co-author Ron Lichty presenting to Code Camp in San Jose October 2015.

Co-author Ron Lichty presenting to ACM in Palo Alto, June 2015.